Belly Change


So, these last few weeks I've become single again...and even doubted I may even be pregnant.. with so much on my mind as I tried to mend my heart and move 3 states away.

The last thing on my mind was Am I pregnant..the first few weeks after my possible conception date I felt and believed I was then as August rolled around one weekend there was the sense of

Painful cramps followed by 1 day of small clots and wiping brown. Followed was a strong sense of not feeling pregnant any more but

However all of my dreams I been dreaming of positive pregnant test and even giving birth.

Strangely enough when I'm least thinking about or wondering about things I notice the small things

Like I have deadly farts

And I get really dizzy a few times

and one day while eating rice I suddenly had nausea and feeling like I need to throw up

And my boobs both feel more filled out


The newest one is I've always been plus size, and my stomach always been flat.

But over the last 2 days or so I have noticed that the top portion of my stomach is more bigger than normal.