Nickname advice!!


I have had 4 miscarriages and am currently 37 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby boy! My first. Needless to say, this pregnancy is very special to me, and me and my partner have spent a lot of time thinking of the perfect name for our son.

My son’s name is Ozias Indigo. We both love the name and will mostly call him Ozzie. His initials are OIR. My partners 17 year old sister has taken it upon herself to refer to my baby as “baby Rio” she calls him this often and when she asks about him that is what she refers to him as. She got Rio from spelling his initials backwards. I know I may be being ridiculous, but I reallllllllllly hate the name. I mean really hate it. My baby already has a nickname, and it’s just annoying that I spent all this time thinking of the perfect name and nickname for my rainbow baby and she seems to just disregard that. I’m not outspoken at all, so I don’t know how to go about telling her to cut it out, or if I even should. But I get very tense on the inside when I hear my baby referred to as Rio. That isn’t his name. I’m his momma, and I named him what I did for a reason!

Ladies, please no hate :( I’m just very frustrated. What should I do? Let it go, or speak my feelings??? My boyfriend seems to think it’s no big deal