Could I be pregnant?

Ok so for starters my fiancé and I have been ttc for about a year now I am normally really irregular and have a really heavy flow and really never know when AF is gonna visit which has made it super hard for us.. We recently decided to stop trying due to the stress it has caused us and take a trip for a few days (about 3 weeks ago) and of course we made love numerous times (This was about a week and a half after my last period)

Anyways the past few days ive been cramping (which I thought were because of AF getting ready to visit) and had really bad nausea and some vomiting every so often ("stomach flu maybe?") but only with certain foods and smells.. Then I started spotting... I thought AF had made an appearance but as I said I'm super heavy normally and this has been brown and pink light spotting which NEVER happens to me

I don't wanna allow myself to believe I am but I can't help but wonder... Opinions please!! I'm waiting to take a test for at least another week because my anniversary is coming up and I don't wanna put myself in a sour mood with a negative result