Marriage after baby


When pregnant, I had many talks with my husband about what life with a newborn would be like. He understood and was on board with everything I had to say. It is the first baby for us both so we didn't know exactly what to expect but I have cared for babies and children for as long as I csn remember. Nothing can really prepare you though for 24/7 care of another being.

Now our son who is now 7 weeks old has been amazing. Pretty easy going as far as babies go. No excessive crying and no health problems. Cries when he needs something and if he has gas or is overly tired and wants to nurse to sleep. He is my entire world and I love him more than words could ever describe. The thing with loving someone so much who is 100% dependent on you is that you start to give them all of you. You start slacking on your own hygiene, slacking on caring for your mental health, and....your partner starts to get put on the back burner. Well, for my life.

The thing is, I don't want to put my husband on the back burner. He does sooo much though to put himself there. The major thing he does to get put there is not help me with baby. He will "help" if baby is in a good mood or sleeping. Once baby gets fussy, he hands baby off to me. My husband doesn't even like to care for baby if he is awake in fear that baby is going to just get upset. He just assumes that baby will cry if I'm not involved.

I need a break!

I want to take a shower without rushing. I want to eat a meal at a healthy pace and not shove my face. I want to hand baby to my husband and hear him say "I've got this".

I don't want to hear my husband's frustrated sighs when he has held crying baby for 2 mins. I don't want to hear my husbands fingers clicking buttons on a game controller while I'm trying to soothe baby. I don't want to hear my husband snore while I'm up for the second feeding of the night. I don't want there to be dishes in the sink when I go to bed after I cared for baby all day and still managed to put dinner on the table.


I want to feel recognized and appreciated for all I do for us. Is that to much to ask for? How doni stop resenting my husband for the all the things he doesn't do? I love him a lot but I currently don't like him very much. Sometimes I feel alone in this and I shouldn't. I wish he fully understood these feelings.

If you made it through this. Are there any other mama's struggling to get there counterpart more involved?