Not how I planned

Savannah • Mommy to Luna Grace, wife to Josh

So my birth story did not turn out how I planned.

My baby girl is two days old, she was born at 635am on September 21st by c section, she was 7lbs and 10 oz, 20inches long.

I saw my doctor on Wednesday the 19th, did an ultrasound where she was looking to way 8lbs and 13oz! Thankfully that was not the case haha.

My Dr decided to induce me the next day since he was on call, went in on the 20th at 8am to start the process.

At 10am my Dr came in checked me and I was at a 2 for dilation after being stuck at a 1 since 35ish weeks. He decided to skip the Foley bulb and went straight for the piction.

At 4 pm I was at a 4 and so he broke my water, until then I felt like I was doing great and then holy hell customs got so intense.

I lasted until 6pm and decided to go for the IV pain meds, they helped quite a bit but it started getting worse as I had alot of back labor.

From the beginning of my pregnancy I knew a epurdral would be last resort and at 10pm I was begging for it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, around midnight my Dr came in and I was getting further progressed but she wasn't descending anymore. He wanted to watch and wait a couple of hours and see if she came down.

Finally at 2am I was miserable, I was begging to push but I want allowed because she wasn't ready. I was at a 9 but she still wouldn't come down.

My Dr decided to do a csection, I had been in labor to long for him so they were getting the OR ready, well then it was delayed for me because there was a emergency csection come in then two natural births.

Well at 6am they started taking me back and holy hell a csection is something else. They had me numbed up great but when they pulled her out it hurt so bad I screamed, but it was worth it.

When they pulled her out we learned she never would of came out naturally, she managed to get her daddies big head so she was stuck inside of me and sunny side up on top of the big head 😂

2 days later we're both doing great, have had some trouble with breast feeding so we have to do breast and formula so we make sure she gets everything she needs.

I'm healing up great but so sore. However I wouldn't change any of it for the world ❤❤