Healthy Fall Dessert Recipe! 🍎


You guys have to try this recipe!! It kind of has a fall vibe given the apples and cinnamon. It’s sugar free and super healthy. And it tastes AMAZING 🤤🤤🤤 I made this recipe one night when I was still hungry after dinner. Even my husband asked for another. I thought I would share this with people trying to cut down on sugar or people who just want something yummy. Please give it a try and let me know what you think!

1 apple

2 tbsp almond butter

Few pumpkin seeds

1 date- pitted and chopped

Few blueberries

Sprinkle of shredded coconut (I use unsweetened)

Dash of cinnamon

I know measurements like “few” sound vague, but this will vary depending on apple size. For example, I used a medium apple the other day and fit about 12 pumpkin seeds and 8 blueberries. Just use what fits and it will be delicious!

Preheat oven to 350F. Cut bottom off of apple to stabilize. Cut top off of apple and remove some of the inside so it can be filled. The apple wall should be about 1/4- 1/2 inch thick, depending on size of apple. Add almond butter, pumpkin seeds, date, blueberries, and coconut to apple. Top with a dash of cinnamon. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until apple is a bit soft (depends on size of apple again.)

You seriously have to give these a try! They will be the most delicious, guilt free dessert you ever make!