PSA for those with or thinking of getting Paraguard

Just a friendly reminder that this type of BC is not for those who experience heavy bleeding or intense cramping. I have had mine for 2 1/2 years and no two periods are the same. Some months I have very light periods, some (like this one) I bleed through every pair of underwear I wear , even whilst wearing the thickest pad I can still be comfortable in. Cycles like this one I need my heating pad, menstrual tablets and raspberry leaf tea near me at all times and I can't really do many of my normal activities (exercise, hanging with friends) due to fatigue and exhaustion. It's not unusual for me to bleed through my divacup either. The cramps are also no joke. So. To ladies considering this IUD, please remember to consider your personal preferences and that the periods you will have WILL have an effect on your life. That being said, I would STILL choose this method of birth control over any other.