Natural ways to conceive


Hi guys!! feb 2016 I had an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in my left tube been removed. In November 2016 I had a miscarriage. This feb (2018), got pregnant again only to find it was ectopic in my right tube. The lady who did my vaginal ultrasound said that it was right there at the end of the tube right before entering the uterus ☹️. That ectopic pregnancy they just gave me methotrexate (which I had to get two doses). After a month my period came back very regularly as usual. So my husband and I are going to try this last time hoping and praying for the best with this one tube. So all his month I’ve used these things called castor oil packs and serrapeptase (both have been know to remove scar tissue or adhesions related to blocked fallopian tube(s). My period should come on around the 28 of this month (sept) And after that I will have the HSG test done to check my uterus and to make sure my tube is clear and not blocked. I’ve read where a lot of people conceived after this test was done because the dye basically like flushes the the tubes. I will keep you guys updated though and let you know if the castor oil pack worked based on my hsg test sometime next month. Does anyone have any experience with this or insight??? Thanks 😘