I’m nervous 😬


So tomorrow I have my 12 day ultrasound and blood test to see if I can take my trigger shot... I’m praying that I have one or more eggs that are ready.

Me and hubby decided we will not BD tonight even though he REALLY wants to lol, but we need all his swimmers swimming....

Please pray for me and cross your fingers... This is my month🙏🤩👶🏽💙💝 baby dust to you all....


Yaaaasssss!!!!! Great news, we will be doing the trigger shot later today or tomorrow... I have 1 GREAT follicle 18mm.... and I had a few smaller ones but we got the go ahead!!!!!!! I’m soooooo excited!!!!

I prayer everything continues to work out great! Baby dust everyone!!!!!

Ok I have ANOTHER update!!!!

So I went this past Tuesday for my Progesterone blood work and it came back a 10. To me I’m extremely happy because it has NEVER been that high at all... out of all everything I have done before the highest # I had was a 2.... So I’m excited about that. This Tuesday I find out if we are pregnant 🤰🎊🎉🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 and I am praying we are. But I will keep you guys posted. Also, have any of you had a 10 level of progesterone and was pregnant? My doctor told me I will need supplements when I do get get prego but any success stories?


😢😢😢😢😢😢 No baby this month... Progesterone to low. But praying for better news next week... Baby dust over everyone that’s TTC!!!! 🙏