Need some advice....

This has nothing to do with pregnancy just need some feedback. I have a male chow Shepard mix who is 9 years old. He is a wonderful dog around us and our two other dogs. He came from an animal hoarding situation and had a hard time when we first got home 5 years ago adjusting to normal dog life. He has bitten my dad once but that was his only human bite it didn’t break skin but was still scary. Well today we were over at my in laws and their old dog growled and him and he lunged for him didn’t let go we had to spray water to get him to release. Their dog is ok just some cuts on his ear but this really got me thinking what if he does this our baby? What if we turn our back for one second and he lunges at her? This is our first child and he hasn’t had very much interaction with kids. My husband says we have to talk about it but he’s my child and I love him idk if I can let him go. Any advice, thought, anything would be helpful as I feel torn. 🐶❤️😔