MIL has ZERO filter...

Megan • • Canadian🇨🇦 • Peyton🎀 •

I’m not sure if I’m being overly sensitive or whiny about this but...

My MIL is one of those people with no filter and a mouth like a sailor. She always seems to blurt out the first thing on her mind, which generally doesn’t bug me.

However, in the last month her lack of a filter has been directed at me and my appearance. Just tonight she and my boyfriends uncle popped by to borrow a vehicle and she told me “you’re getting so chubby”. Last week when we stopped by their place so I could drop off some baking for them, she told me “you look like shit” as I walked through her front door. These aren’t the first or only comments she’s made towards me, just the most recent.

Insight: I’ve always been the girl to have her makeup and hair done, but since becoming pregnant (and on modified bedrest) I cant be bothered to wear it most of the time. I’ve also started to gain weight around my stomach (because I’m growing a human). My weight gain has also travelled to my bum but mostly I feel I look the same elsewhere. Pre-pregnancy I was very fit, and modelled so the weight gain has been a big change for me.

I asked my boyfriend to please speak to her about her comments, but I’m worried she’ll just tell him she was joking or that I’m being overly sensitive. Has anyone else experienced this? How do you get through it? Am I just being sensitive and hormonal?