From work to Labor


Very excited to be telling my story after reading just about every story on here.

On Friday 9/21 about 2:30 pm I went to the restroom while at work, and noticed I was spotting with heavy discharge. So I called my mom to ask her what was going on. She said it seems like you are about to go into labor. Which I thought was far and few in between being I was 40w4d and been at 2 cm for 3 weeks. I called my doc office and spoke with the nurse. She said it’s pretty normal for this happen, but it should stop soon. Whelp it didn’t stop it actually begin to progress. I called my mom to ask her what to do being it that I live in Atlanta in traffic is a mess. She suggested to go to hospital to be checked. Great thing the hospital is only 5 mins away.

I drove myself to the hospital. I got all checked in within 20 mins, but I had to wait on a bed which took over a hour. Once finally being checked I was measuring at 4 cm, but as far as my water leaking it kept coming back inclusive because of the blood.

Soon as my nurse had me all hooked up to the monitors, and I was able walk around my water breaks the big GUSH!

So the contractions were not to bad. Very manageable to what I actually had dreaded for the last 9 months. Being that my water broke the docs wanted to speed everything up. So I was given Pitocin. Worse drug ever. I was having contraction on top of contraction. The contractions were so bad my blood pressure was beginning to skyrocket, and baby girl heart rate was decreasing. Everything they were given me didn’t work. The plan of an unmediated birth went out the window. Just a healthy birth is the plan. I received the epidural. Wasn’t to bad or painful. Once I received the epidural my blood pressure went back to normal, and baby girl heart rate went back to normal.

I was able to sleep for about 4 hrs. I woke up to be checked. Yay! 10 cm but she’s not down the birth canal. So a two hour wait to get her down, and 1 1/2 of pushing. Which was the easy part. So ladies when you make through your contractions the hard part is done. So at 10:39 am 9/22 Ryann Lynn made it the world!!!