Induction Day!!!!


We made it to induction day ladies. I was told to come in at 715 last night so they could start the cervidil (for the record it hurts like the dickens). It does create a cramp affect so nothing that hurts. I was completely closed last night. This morning they just checked me and they are able to get a finger tip there but that’s it. So not much progression. Luckily I was able to get up and shower and hopefully walk around before they administer the pitocin. I have a room with a tub so I can labor before they administer the epidural.

I’ll make sure to provide updates


Soooo induction was weird, they induced me with cervidil on Sunday at 8 I got there at 730. Well it didn’t work I didn’t get any softer than I already was. Saturday morning around 845 they came in and said they were gonna try me on Cytotec which another form to soften me up. Well I got that 915 by 10:00 I was feeling contractions every two to four mins. The nurse came in and said it’s not supposed to start contractions but it did. They gave me one dosage of staydol (I’m that’s not how to spell it) but it didn’t work and my contractions were a min apart. The doctor came in and checked and I was only 1 centimeter. She told them to give me two doses of staydol. It knocked me out lol. Well needless to say I felt no contractions until it was end. Well I heard a pop! And then a gush! And it woke me up which scared me. I looked at my mom and saw my face my water broke at 4:43 and in 60 seconds my son was born at 4:44 pm