Gracelyn Claire is here đź’—

Boo • 💍 08/22/16 👧🏻 09/18/18 👦🏻12/26/19 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

On September 18, 2018 my husband and I woke up at 5 am simply because we couldn’t sleep with the excitement of knowing our beautiful girl would be here in a few hours.

The week before we had scheduled a c section due to her being measured so big (9 lbs and 15 oz) and her tummy and head were measuring big so the doctors were concerned of shoulder dystocia. They had other concerns as well but that was a big one.

We had to be at the hospital by 7:30a to get preop stuff done and I would be heading back at 9:30.

Honestly the worst part of the whole thing for me was getting my IV placed! I normally pass out when I get my blood taken and I got pretty lightheaded when they did the IV but I was ok. When they did my spinal block my nurse was concerned I would pass out due to me getting so lightheaded with the IV but when the spinal was done I said, “that’s it? My IV was worse!”

They had to lay me down quick because the spinal starts to take affect very quickly and then they brought my husband in.

I’m not sure what time surgery officially started but all I could feel were little tingles and almost like vibrations. At 10:22a my Gracelyn Claire was born.

Within the first minute she cried, peed, and pooped. My husband said the doctors literally pulled her past my incision and then she peed and pooped.

They went to clean her off and weigh and measure her. My husband stayed by me aside from taking a couple pictures first until they let him hold her. She ended up being 9 lbs 13 oz and her height was 21 1/4 inches.

Her head and shoulders measured bigger that my doctor said as she was stitching me up, “I think we made the right decision what do you think?”

I definitely agreed. This week has been quite an adjustment into motherhood but I wouldn’t change a thing. 💗