Not Getting Enough, Help [Story Included]


A little bit of a long story:

We took my little guy to the doctor, he's currently a week old. He had to go in for a weight check. He was born 8 lbs 4 oz and was only 7 lbs 7 oz on Friday. He was only 7 lbs 8 oz at the appointment 😭 He didn't gain anything. We go back Thursday. But, they want me to latch him on to boob, then feed 1 to 2 oz of formula, then pump. Offer the breastmilk I pump before formula. I decided this was my cue to go to the breastfeeding clinic. We went in and they weighed him then had me feed from each side. They weighed him after each side. My right, he gained none. My left, barely any. They said my hold was great, and his latch was great. Then they had me pump. I only pumped 1/2 oz between both breasts. I fed it to him with an easy flow nipple and it literally took him less than a minute to eat it. Then he spit a little up after a burp. They told me to do the same thing as the doctor. Feed from each breast, give the breastmilk I have pumped, give formula, then pump for 15 minutes. They said he was not transferring my milk. They didn't understand because he doesn't have a tongue tie and he latched great. He slept for 3 hours after that bottle, so I pumped when I got home and got another 1/2 oz. I woke him up and had him feed. He fell asleep after boob and slept an hour. I didn't even pump 1/4 oz. Another hour went by, he fell asleep, so I did the process all over. He ate from both boobs, daddy fed him his 1/2 oz, and I pumped. I didn't have to supplement formula this time. He gave a nice pee, and some poop. I guess i'm worried about giving him too much formula at the next feed, since I don't even have 1/4 of an oz to give. I'll wake up every 3 hours if I have to i'm determined. He fussed after a diaper change, I was going to start the process again since it's been over an hour, and he fell asleep after 12 minutes of feeding on my boob. I am at a loss, and I don't want to give up.

Ladies, I need your help. How can I up my supply to avoid formula? I know he needs it to catch up in weight, but I don't want my supply to diminish. So far, he's still latching on the boob. I just need to get an up on my supply. I have the medela pump in style advance. Is there a certain setting I should have it on? Maybe there's a drink I should try? An easy food?