Almost 2 weeks after delivery, ended up back in hospital


Please ladies don't ignore certain symptoms. I had been feeling ok since delivery then one day just started feeling terrible. I figured I'm just tired and stressed with a new baby and all the other kids. But as days went I noticed a headache that would not go away, swelling that did not seem to get better no matter how long I had my feet up, in fact it go worse. My toes, bottom of feet, ankles and little up my leg were swollen. Finally thought ok I should make an appointment. The nurse from my insurance said no go to the ER now. So I did thinking they were overreacting. They ran labs and urine. My liver functions showed concern and along with my other symptoms (blood pressure was crazy high and headache would not go away with the ibuprofen and tylenol they had prescribed me). So they kept me for a little over 24 hours and pumped me full of IV fluids and magnesium because preeclampsia reared it's ugly head on me after delivery. So ladies. Pay attention to what your body is doing and call about any symptom you think might not be normal.