IUD opinion help!!


So I’m getting my IUD (Skyla) inserted in hopefully a month (waiting on insurance). But I called to check up on it because it’s already been a month since this whole process started. They said they were still waiting, but asked when my next period would be. I’m on BC pills where I only get my period once every 3 months. I told them not until the end of December unless I stop my pill early and have the withdrawal bleed. The nurse (or receptionist??) then asked me if I was sexually active and I told her I was, so she told me to just stay on my pill and that I had a few options.

She said that once my insurance is cleared I can either take a pregnancy test there right before insertion or I can wait until my period in December OR once my insurance is cleared I can immediately stop my pill and make sure to not have unprotected sex until after insertion and to make an appointment as soon as the withdrawal bleed starts.

It never occurred to me that they would have to make sure I’m not pregnant before insertion 😅 But I want to know what you ladies did or wish you would’ve done. Rather take the test, wait until period, or withdrawal?

I know most will probably be wondering why I’m hesitant about taking a test. I’m 19 and my step mom is going with me in case I am in a lot of pain and can’t drive myself home. She knows I’m active, but it’s still an embarrassing subject for me and I feel like having to take the test while she’s with me will make me feel more embarrassed. But I’m just wondering what you all would do.

I’ve thought maybe the withdrawal or wait until period because I would already be having cramps, so maybe it wouldn’t feel as bad? Or am I just too hopeful?😅

Anyways, thanks ladies!!