I have a weird question?

So I have a super weird question and it’s probably tmi for some people but.....I am in my fertile window and my hubby and I have decided after 16 months since our miscarriage last May that we want to try again. We just bought our first house together and we feel it is our time! BUT...we had sex last night and omg...ever since then I have felt soooooo sick and nauseous.

Y’all can call me crazy all you want but last year when I got pregnant I can remember the same night. We ended up having sex and immediately after I got dizzy and nauseous and felt so sick. I ended up going to the ER because I thought something was going on with me...few weeks later....hey you’re pregnant.

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them and end up being pregnant?

I know this is a LONG shot but I’m hoping and praying to god that this is our rainbow baby!