Does this sound judgmental or am I just sensitive?


I’ve been talking to this guy for about 3 years and I recently got into a relationship with him. Since I first met him he was really cool and a fun person to be around. Now since we’ve been getting 'serious' he seems to always have something to say about my piercings and tattoos and anything else he doesn’t agree with. Note, I have 9 piercings and he is really concerned with my tongue piercing but he criticizes all of them. He called me today and basically ranted the whole time about how he doesn’t understand the point of tats and piercings and why did I choose to get my tongue pierced of all things. His exact words were, "were you trying to fit in?" "Is it a fashion trend or something?" "Imagine how that’ll look when you get old then what are you gonna do?" "Your tattoos won’t look the same when you get old they’re gonna be there forever" "were you trying to impress someone" and what makes it worse I have a tattoo specifically dedicated to my uncle that passed away unexpectedly last summer so that hit a nerve for sure. In that phone call today I was on Netflix while talking to him and he said the show I was watching sounded stupid and something that he’d never watch in his life. I just blanked out on him and didn’t want to talk so now I’m debating on if I want to keep this relationship going and even continue being his friend if I decide not to. I kinda feel like he’s taking this out on me because I recently told him about my previous partners and he’s only been with one person but idk if that has to do with anything..I just need help is all...