Infuriating update

Update: Thanks everyone for their words. I’ve decided to leave. There’s obviously other trust issues to make me feel the need to put an adult block on his phone. He wants to make it work but I don’t need to stay with someone who I feel I have to treat like a child and neither does he.

I caught my husband looking at porn a few months ago and it crushed me. He knew it was a dealbreaker before we even started dating. I made my one rule extremely clear. He said it was bc we hadn’t had sex in a week. I was crushed. And PISSED. SO I blocked the adult content on his I phone. Fast forward a few months. He started telling me to unblock his phone. I said why so you can start looking at porn again? He said it was bc it’s affected his gps and other apps. I told him no and maybe next time he’ll think before he does something so hurtful again. We got in a fight and I left for work. At work I decided to give him the code so I texted him the code and said as a warning if I catch it again, I’m leaving. This is the 2nd time this has happened and I am really that serious about porn in my marriage. I’ve seen it rip people and marriages apart. He was t texting back so I figured he was just pouting. A few hours later I get a call from T mobile that I couldn’t answer. Hadn’t heard from him all night so I called his work and he told me he dropped his phone that we just payed off into the shower and that now he needs a new one. Pretty coincidental right? I am beyond pissed. We are supposed to be going out of town for my nieces birthday party and I don’t even want to be trapped in a car with him or go at all. Am I being dramatic?

P.s. DO NOT tell me how ok pornography is, it was a dealbreaker from the start. That’s fine if it works for you and your man but it does NOT have a place with me. If you’re going to comment about how much you like porn good for you, but scroll on by.