Annoyed 😒

Jordan • Chicago - Denver. 31 years old.Married Oct.2014 to my highschool sweetheart. Kaiden Breck 10/5/16💙 Kenzie Blake 9/27/18 🎀

I had a scheduled induction for Friday September 28th that has been scheduled for weeks and yesterday my Dr called and asked me to move it to today. My in-laws drove in from out of state and at the time of the call were still making the drive in and we weren’t sure if they would need to stop overnight somewhere so after talking to them they decided to drive straight through (14 hours ) to make sure they can take my son while we went to the hospital. So this morning we’re up early getting ready and 20 minutes before we’re about to walk out the door to head to the hospital my hospital calls to tell me that they are out of rooms 😑 so I have to sit and wait at home until one opens which there is a chance they will be full for the day and I won’t go in at all. . . Nothing like being super disappointed and now I’m worried I won’t get in this week and my in-laws leave town Monday 😩