Why is my OPK so faint?

Megan • 28, Married💍, TTC baby #1 👶💋 Hypothyroidism&Hashimoto's 💊

So I'm officially in my fertility week as of today. My period was the 13th-17th. I've always had irregular periods, usually 5-7 days, spotting the last 2-3 days. Supposedly i ovulate on Oct 1st. I started using the OPK again...but since September 25th, the lines on the OPK keep getting fainter and fainter. It was darker on the 25th than today. 😫😫😫

It's so frustrating. I have hypothyroidism and have been taking levothyroxine since I was 11 years old. I've been having hot flashes recently, weight gain, severe acne, and i noticed some facial hair (so embarrassing) I think I have PCOS. I'm scared I'll never have kids. 😭😭😭