I washed my face before bed


Tonight, I washed my face before bed. I also made myself fried rice which was delicious. I showered and went to the grocery store. I even cleaned my room without realizing it. This is a huge deal Becca a few weeks ago I was so depressed it was straight from work in my bed. Not opening the curtains to let light in. If I wasn’t in my work clothes, I was in bed. I wasn’t doing dishes or laundry. Just totally ignoring all of my adult responsibilities and feeling like shit again. I’m not where the shift came from but I’m here to say that mindset will change. If your depressed or going through anything please reach out to me on Instagram @caramelchas please also take the time to view my Instagram and realize I DO NOT LOOK DEPRESSED. With that remember how many people are giving off the illusion of happy ! Be blessed ❤️