IUD causing irritability?

Hayley • Wife 💍 and a mother of two 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

So, I've had the IUD 7 months, I'm on my period now, HOWEVER, I'm super emotional, and SUPER DUPER BITCHY. Like my dad ate my ice cream today I told my husband on his way home from work he is going to get me some ice cream or I will throw a bitch fit. Like I was THAT bratty, I was pissed, I was texting both my parents that that was my ice cream (they bought for me) so my dad was like I only took some. I went to my room and shut the door and cried. Over some damn ice cream. I bawled my eyes out. Idk if this is just the hormones, but I'm 20 about to turn 21 and I do not approve of this behavior, being that I am old enough to not be bratty like that. But I can't help the tears and the rage I feel sometimes. I've had my period since I was 12, and let me tell you this is a whole new level of bratty and bitchiness.. like no one has ever seen me this way on my period or off. Anybody have ideas if this is IUD related or I should call my psychiatrist about, I do take depression, mood stabilizers and antianxiety meds.