Ovulation after chemical pregnancy


Last cycle I had a chemical pregnancy which I was devastated over, but decided to keep it moving as it wasn’t meant to be. I am in the following cycle right now. So according to my Ava bracelet yesterday was my ovulation day but I tested Am and pM and never picked up a surge. Glow just keeps pushing out my ovulation date based on the negative OPKs. Now my CM is sticky again when it was a straight up slip and slide for the last 6 days. Is it possible to just not get a positive opk and still ovulate? My cycles are insanely regular normally! I have been doing opks for over a week and have never gotten a positive, yet they went from completely blank to having color. Below are pics of my results. I feel like pings of ovulation type pains but never got the big OUCH and cramps that regularly come with my ovulation 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩. Thoughts?!?!