Heart Dropping News 😕


Nov 8, 2016 we lost our peanut at 6w3d - we got pregnant on birth control so it was a complete shock but we were still ecstatic!! but then it was all taken like it never even happened.

March 2017 we started TTC - I have had 20 full cycles since we started trying - not a single positive test. Thankfully no other miscarriages though.

I found a new OB who ended up ordering an HSG to be done because when we miscarried it had came back that I had a “septate uterus” - I was confused on what this would mean for us moving forward but they said we could possibly do surgery & remove it. Fast forward to the HSG exam... it comes back “possible bicornuate uterus”

Of which my OB not once looked at my images. FINALLY 3 months later!!! she got around to look at them and THIS is what she tells me:

I’m shattered and I’m scared to death of what comes next. I still have 7 months of school so I think I’m going to just use the rest of the year to help us get healthy, as we are both overweight by 30+ lbs.

Does anyone with something similar have any advice? Or words or wisdom? I just want to hear about your guys experiences with this or those you know who’ve gone through it!!

I’m trying so hard to stay hopeful but I just feel numb - I never thought I would have a hard time getting or being pregnant but now my whole world is just in a much bigger spin than it was 😣

Thanks ladies!