New and looking for some advice


Hello everyone

I’m an Aussie girl living in Japan, and currently trying to conceive.

I have a few questions to ask, so if anyone can give me any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

-one thing I noticed and really liked about Glow is how it offers connectivity with partners, but my husband’s English is not the best... does anyone know if there is any language options?

-I have pretty bad endometriosis, because of this o had the implanon implant for around 10 years.

I had it removed on the 1st of August and had my first period the 25th of September (the day after my husband re proposed to me, long story there), but it only lasted 2 and a half days.

Is a short period normal after going off of the pill or implants?

-are there any other mothers or TTC mothers in japan out there?

I’m sure I will have more questions over time

But that’s it for now

I’m happy to be part of the Glow family