5 days in hospital...

Emily • 29 • girl mama

So I went in for my 38 week check up and had elevated blood pressure for the second week in a row. They decided to send me over to L&D and start the induction process. I was half a centimeter dilated and cervix was soft. They started me on cervidil and that started my contractions. After 12 hours with the cervidil I was still only half a centimeter dilated... so they started me on this pill every 4 hours for 12 hours to see if that would help dilate me anymore. 12 hours later & only progressed to 1 cm. On early Thursday morning They decided to insert the balloon and start pitocin. They took out the balloon around 4pm & I was 5cm dilated & 50% effaced. Right before they gave me my epidural my water broke. Not long after the epidural was placed, they upped my pitocin but unfortunately my contractions weren’t strong enough to make changes and my sweet baby was starting to go into distress so c-section it was. On September 27th @ 9:38pm I Gave birth to my sweet Elisabeth Rose. 7.7 & 21 inches long. I’m so in love. Was finally discharged on Saturday afternoon. 5 longgggg days in the hospital but so worth it bc she’s perfect.