Options, advice needed.! My AF was late for 2 days and 3rd day (yesterday) I started spotting..dark brown light spotting. 2 things: I’m never late for my AF 2:if I’m I don’t ever just get spotting.! (Read below) I took HPT and it’s negative


Hi, so I started spotting yesterday-with light lower back and no other symptoms. Usually I get really bad cramps and lower back pain around my periods time and during my periods. Today, still spotting just a bit more than yesterday. (Yesterday it was only on paper when I wiped,today it’s on liner too..just a tiny bit.) I’m a bit nauseated here and there but not constantly. It is def not periods..what could it be?

Color was dark brown yesterday and today pinkish,brownish.!

Has anyone else experienced this? Please comment

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