Hating myself! Need help!


So lately I haven’t been able to keep my boyfriend hard. We’ll start out him on top he go slow then go at a good medium speed and get faster after a while then go back to the medium speed until I want on top. When I get on top I try to go a medium speed that won’t make me too tired to fast then when he’ll grab my hip to make me go harder while I focus on speed when I’m ready to finish and it drives me crazy. But lately when I’m on top he isn’t really hard or he doesn’t stay hard for long and it takes me a while to get him hard again but by time I’m able to do that I’m tired and i don’t really wanna finish. Like tonight when I was on top he wasn’t hard, which hurt my feelings, and he said it’s kind of hard to stay hard when your speed all over the place which it really isn’t, which hurt my feelings even more. Then while I was riding him he came out of me and he wasn’t hard and I somehow hurt him, which hurt my feelings even more but he kept saying it wasn’t my fault. And to top it off i have really crappy self esteem because while growing up i was told I’m fat when I really wasn’t. I’m skinny but not flat stomach and thigh gap skinny. I’m Hispanic and my family runs on the thick thighs and a small stomach pudge but still healthy side. And I also have thyroid issues which mine is “inflamed” so my immune system is basically destroying my thyroid making it a bit harder to lose the pudge. And I’m over her beating myself up because I can’t keep him hard and I don’t have a clue what to do or how to help...