Birth control and pregnancy

So I know the only way to know if I'm pregnant is to take a test but I'm wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences. I had previously been on birth control. I missed a few days September 16th to September 19th and started bleeding. So I figured I would wait until I stopped bleeding and start a new pack all together and start fresh. I'm aware I was not protected at all from pregnancy during this time. That's not much of a concern. (My boyfriend and I would not mind welcoming a new little one to our family, it's just not what we had planned. We would originally like to wait another 6 months to a year.)

Anyways, I bled for nearly 9 days and was going to start back on my birth control this past Sunday. After discussing it with my boyfriend we decided that I just wont continue taking it (decided on my personal health reasons) and we will begin using condoms. My period is due to begin in 2 days have I not messed with my birth control at all. I have been an emotional wreck the past 5 to 7 days. I cry at the drop of a dime and have been feeling a little under the weather. Do you believe I could have possibly gotten pregnant during that 2 week window? Or would you guess it may just be my period coming on? Or even just my body adjusting to no longer taking birth control?