Napping...need to vent a little.


How often do you guys nap? Sometimes I never nap and then today I just fell asleep for like 2 hours and could not get myself up. I forced myself to get up and do things around the house. I feel like my husband thinks I'm just lazy, it pisses me off. He's like you're probably napping bc you just sit around being tired instead of doing something for energy. Which I can see. But I also just want to be like I'm also almost 39 weeks pregnant and don't sleep at night. So sue me for napping sometimes. He had the nerve to ask me if I mentioned my tiredness to my doctor. Like it was a severe issue?!

We decided together that I wouldn't return to work this year (I'm a teacher so I've been off since July) but now that I'm not working and baby isn't here yet I feel like he just resents me for doing nothing even though it was a decision we made together. I'm hoping that change when the baby is here. Like I shouldn't feel guilty for being tired right now and sitting on the couch throughout the day 😭😭😭 anyone else relate to this at all?