Panicking Over Ultrasound Measurements


My sweet baby was born on Thursday! And his head is perfectly sized for 40 weeks! 😅


I had an appointment with my ob today (I’m 40 weeks) and he said baby looks good, etc. we schedule induction for next week.

Now I’m home looking at the ultrasound measurements I noticed something I didn’t before.

On 9/11 (3 weeks ago) my baby’s head circumference was 32.2 centimeters which means he was measuring 36 weeks 3 days when he is actually 37 weeks 2 days. So about a week behind. No biggie.

Today, my baby’s head circumference is 32.4 centimeters. 😕 That’s only a .2 increase in 3 weeks. This means his head is measuring 36 weeks and 5 days. He is actually 40 weeks and 2 days.

This means he’s legit a MONTH behind and that his head has not grown really in the past 3 weeks. I’m full on panicking. Why didn’t my ob say anything?! Am I missing something?!

Anyone have any insight!?