Introducing the bottle


Update #2

It seems like idk what’s going on any more. Like I said on my last update, he kind of took the bottle, he drank a couple of times from it( not happily), we were trying to start with a couple of times a day. Move forward to day 3. As soon as he sees the bottle he starts creaming. Is it always going to b like this? Are we doing something wrong? Please someone just tell me that everything is going to be alright. I’m scare.

I’m to go back to work next month, and baby is two moths old. He had a bottle here or there his first weeks, but I was told to stop cause I was gonna confused him. Now he is refusing to take the bottle and I don’t know what to do. I’m genuinely stressing out cause all I keep thinking what’s going to happen when I have to go back to work.

This is baby number two and it wasn’t an issue with baby number one, I don’t know what to do.