Pregnancy Post High Dose Chemotherapy

Has anyone had a successful pregnancy and healthy baby after high dose chemotherapy in their adult life? Or do you know someone that has? The particular cancer treated being Hodgkin's Lymphoma. My doctors have tested me and told me even through my treatment I was fertile because my period never stopped. I was also told that is rare for the high dose of chemotherapy I received. Other cases women go through early menopause or stop their cycle temporarily then it starts back with time. I honestly have 3 beautiful children and happy with that as a single parent but I am in a committed relationship and he wants a kid. He doesn't have any and has no proof he has ever had anyone pregnant. Just those "I'm pregnant give me abortion money" trifling type females. I'm starting to believe he may have the issue. He's never had a child and he's almost 40 and never had his sperm count analyzed. I'm sure it may be more difficult for me after chemotherapy, but with my primary and oncologist running labs and I'm fertile. The problem is either its just diffifult post high dose chemo or he's the problem. Also, his ejaculation is very minimum. I have 3 kids so I know what it took to make those 3. I'm willing to be believe the problem is with one of us or both of us.