Spotting/light bleeding @9wks

So, I just started working at UPS as a loader/ package handler. I am also 9 weeks pregnant. I noticed the first night, some light spotting after work. I am overweight, and I am.not used to the physical labor required for this job.. anyway, the second day (yesterday) was busier then the first..but I had no spotting. Today was even busier..and it was a bit heavier. It could have passed as light period. The first I seen was pretty bright red.. the second time (wiped) was a bit darker.. had a brownish tint. I do not have any pain, just almost constant nausea. I am scheduled for my first appointment the 18th. I'm just worried something could be wrong.. is this type of bleeding normal? Thank you in advance!

Edit: this is my 3rd pregnancy, I've had 2 boys. Didn't have this before. Both pregnancies we're absolutely wonderful. Lol.