Transfer student rant

You know the worst part of a community college? That you want to transfer to a 4 year college and do things like join their clubs or honor program but you can’t. Because the 4 year school you want to attend doesn’t offer those things to college transfer students.

It’s only for students that went straight to that college after high school.

Even though I have the GPA and work hard, I can’t join their honor’s program. Even though I love going on hikes and kayaking and would like to be a part of a group that enjoys those things, I can’t because I’m a transfer student.

I can join sororities, but not regular clubs or programs. Just because “we don’t have a program for transfer students yet”.

Why do you need a separate program for transfer students?

I’ve been wanting to go to this college for YEARS and join their various programs. I wanted to go straight out of high school, but had a scholarship to go to community college for free.

I don’t see why you need separate programs just because some students decided to go the cheaper route for one or two years. Or even one semester.

Sorry, I just needed to rant. I don’t feel like I belong at a college that I fell in love with in high school, only because I can’t be included in the things that interest me.