Please comment what you think.. I'm so anxious.

My cycle is very regular, I usually don't have gobs of cm but I produce enough to tell which it is. But I never have it when I ovulate, until this month that is. I'm three days away from Aunt Flo. For the past week and a half, I've been experiencing night sweats and insomnia bad. I cannot get comfortable enough to go to sleep. It puts pressure on my stomach to sleep on my stomach, my back hurts to where I can't lay on it. I usually roll around all night, restless. I wake up very very queasy, my mouth is a monsoon bc it waters when I'm about to puke. It's so bad to where I have to sit up in bed. I usually dump about 5 times a day, but I go maybe once a day if I'm lucky I'm usually just gassy and they wreak like death lol Tmi sorry. I have had this huge blue vein show up on my left nipple, it literally looks like a stick figure. I've had sex everyday this month so far, and multiple times a day through my fertile window. I used preseed about a week and a half ago. I've been taking prenatal vitamins as well.

On Monday, I had this tiny blood clot after I wiped. No blood after, just a slight cramp. No pain along with it, just noticeable. Bout a .5 on a pain scale, give or take.

This is what comes out of my cooch 24/7 every time I wipe it's a glob of cm.

Today, I had watery cm. My symptoms are queasiness, dizziness, backaches, headaches, cramps, fatigue, bloating, my boobs feel tight and warm, and I have had a low sex drive. Which is totally not me, I usually wanna bang, bang, bang. I clean constantly.

Could I possible be pregnant? I bought a 2 pack of pregnancy tests just in case, if you think I am when should I test?

I just like hearing what you guys think..

I really hope that this is my month, I feel very hopeful. Everything has been going so well, on the 11th is my boyfriend and i's three years together. I recently moved in with him. I may be getting a job soon. My classes are going well for once.