When diagnosed?


I was diagnosed with my middle child at the normal time that they test you—20 weeks I think???! But my last baby I was diagnosed early because I could tell it started. I had been tested early and was fine but then like 2 weeks after that I had doctor test me again and I failed it for sure. Now this is my next pregnancy and I’m 5 weeks and today I got really shaky when I didn’t eat for awhile and I did check and my bs was 71. I’m wondering when they start testing when you have already had it twice and also what symptoms you guys noticed in the beginning. I honestly can’t remember when I was diagnosed last pregnancy but I know it was earlier than usual. I think I’m gonna start tracking morning glucose to see what’s going on. Any advice or info from you guys would be great since my pregnancy brain has seemed to already take over. 😫 if it matters i was very very bad GD last pregnancy and was on a ton of insulin and ended up with a 10 lb 13 oz baby boy. Thankfully he had no problems at all.