Terrible twos tantrums starting already??!!


My eighteen month old has been chucking THE BIGGEST tantrums I’ve ever seen (and she’s been pretty epic with tantrums til this point already, but this is NEXT LEVEL!!!!!! 😤). There is literally nothing I can do to calm her or stop her, all I can do is leave her to scream in her room until she wears herself out which can be half an hour sometimes! I go in intermittently to try calm her and she kicks and slaps me and screams in my face... that’s after I’ve managed to get through the closed door because she’s holding it shut on the other side 😑

I’m at my wits ends. I guess she’s just pushing her boundaries and learning how far a tantrum is gonna get her and I have to stand strong, but geez it’s driving me mad!

Please tell me I’m not the only one with a toddler acting like they’re possessed right now?? Any tips?