

If this isn’t allowed I understand if this has to be removed.

My last period started on September 17th. It lasted 10 days. Which isn’t normal for me. I typically have a period last most 5 days. It seemed to be a regular flow. Nothing heavy. I did in fact have sex during my period. My ovulation day was the 2nd of October. I had unprotected sex again the 5th and 6th.

This morning I woke up for work, knew I seemed a little wetter than normal. Looked down and there was a little bit of blood. So I got myself cleaned up put a pad on. I’m having zero cramps it’s not a heavy bleed or even a light bleed. If this is my period It’d be about 9 days too early. No other symptoms of what my period is like.

I have had this occur before back in March and it was in fact implantation bleeding. I ended up with a miscarriage very early.

Needless to say I’m asking if you guys think this would be a period or implantation bleeding? Did y’all have implantation bleeding? What was it like for you?