I should probably test..??

Emma • 28. PCOS. 🇨🇦

I’ll start off just by saying that I have no idea when to expect my period(s) thanks to my PCOS. My last period was early August.

September 25th, in the evening right before bed, I started very lightly spotting. I thought it just meant my period was gonna start, but it never did and I still haven’t gotten it. I continued to lightly spot, inconsistently, until the 29th.

During that time I had a couple days of bad backaches/bodyaches and bad hot/cold flashes. I’ve also had a major acne breakout, which started a day or two before the spotting, and it’s still all over my chin/jawline/neck. I usually only get acne when I have my period.

Since then I still get random bad backaches/bodyaches. And I’m definitely having more leakage from my vagina. Not like white/creamy/sticky/EW etc. discharge, more like pee leakage... (I know, TMI.. sorry). Also, last night and today my nipples have been sore (only notice it when they get rubbed or touched in some way).

I just don’t know about taking a test, because I feel like this is just my PCOS messing with me... and after all this weirdness I’ll just get disappointed if I take one and it’s negative...