Halloween help

Ashlee • Little Miss Mini Me coming September '19

Does anyone live in Arizona/any state that's hot year round and doesn't get any snow? My husband and I carved pumpkins on video chat with my sister for her birthday on Sunday. It's been a tradition to spend her birthday at the pumpkin patch and come home and carve pumpkins since she was really little, and back in Colorado it was never a problem, but I just had to throw away the pumpkins because they were completely rotten and moldy after just a few days. I didn't expect them to last all the way until Halloween, but I thought I'd at least get a week, maybe even two, out of them before they were bad. So my question for those who also live in hot states is, do you still carve pumpkins? And if so when and how do you keep them from going bad?

I live on the second floor of an apartment complex and I really wanted to at least have pumpkins since we don't have a yard to decorate and the screen is one that you can't see through unless it's night time and there's a bright light on inside, so there's really no other decorating I can do.