So emotional, 38+5 and I cant stop crying.

Im almost 39 weeks and im so emotional I cant handle it, Im so glad my husband is at work because I just keep sobbing over nothing. I know its dumb, Ive been off work since saturday and I havent cleaned, I just go out with my husband and sit and be lazy and house is dirty and I family coming to stay. I hate my dogs and I dont want them anymore, And it breaks mu heart but I just dont want to deal with them anymore, they tear up everything and destroy the house, and my furniture reeks of dog, I spend hours every month steam cleaning the couches and i bathe them regularly but its no use. I dont have a yard and Its going to stress me out because my husbands the worst at taking care of them, i never wanted dogs, i have a cat because ive never wanted to deal with them, but now i love them and i feel bad because im so angry at them 24/7, I have to yell constantly, I feel like a prisoner to taking care of them because theyre kenneled when i dont sit down stairs with them, Im having a c section and i just dont want them anymore, I dknt want to deal with that when Im trying to recover and I dont even have a clean house or furniture to lay my baby on. I just feel so overwelmed for no reason. Ive been so happy all pregnancy and now Im so heartbroken,