“You need to learn your lesson”

I’ve been married for almost three years. My husband is great when he is in a good mood. We are loving, we do kind things for each other, and we overall have a great time.

However, when he’s in a mood he often takes it out of me which causes an argument. Leading me to apologize about how I feel and why I’m feeling that type of way. He constantly ends the arguments with “you need to learn your lesson and that’s why I yell at you.”

The other night I had to learn my lesson in not asking him to help me with the dishes..

is it normal for your spouse to tell you how you need to learn your lesson on multiple occasions in which the arguments are instigated by them?

He makes me feel as though I am the “bad guy” and tells me “you always have to win” and my response it always “it isn’t a competition.. I’m trying to understand why you’re so upset.”

We begin marriage counseling soon but I’m afraid of the consequences following the therapy session..

Should he be telling me I need to learn my lesson? Or am I being too sensitive?