Venting... advice welcome


So I’m 40 weeks tomorrow.. I am pregnant with my second child, first one was a scheduled c section & I never experienced labor or anything. I found me a doctor who is very supportive of a VBAC - but I cannot go past 41 weeks & I must go into labor on my own.

My appt last week I was 1cm and 50% effaced.

I lost my mucus plug at 32 weeks, and had my bloody show yesterday morning.

I’ve had so many contractions that I swore I would have progressed... went today, still at 1cm!

He was going to do a membrane sweep but only if I was more dilated.. so he was unable to do one. He did stick his finger up quite far to I guess try to stretch out my cervix, and he said he could feel my baby’s head.

I go again Tuesday and if I’m not dilated anymore, my c section is scheduled for Thursday next week. I’m feeling so sad. I finally have a shot to have my baby vaginally & I feel like my body is failing me. I got my hopes up when I had my bloody show.. and these contractions.. why am I not going into labor!? :(

I guess I’m just throwing myself a pity party.. thanks for reading & please send good vibes my way.