My SO doesn't open up to me.

This has been an issues for almost 5 years now we've been together. When he's upset I can always tell so it's not like I'm ignoring him, I try to apporch him gently, or bluntly, but neither have worked. I get no answer other then a shurg and I get men aren't always open with their feelings when the main problem is he will confined in other people. Whenever he's upset and won't tell me anything he goes off and talks to someone else by texting and it's always females. :/ this has happened again recently we are going through so much hardship in life right now and I can cry and he won't bother to comfort me. I've been clear about how he acts like a jerk sometimes ignoring my feelings and how it's uncomfortable for him to always be texting feelings about his/our issues mostly ones he hasn't known for a long time. I don't know where to finish this post or what else to say. I've made it mostly for a rant but feel free to give advice or thoughts. He says he loves me but it just don't seem like it.