Labor story


I started having regular contractions on 10/7/18 at 3:30am. Went to the hospital at 10:00PM. When they checked my cervix at triage I was only 1cm dilated but my water broke right when she was checking. Unfortunately Harper pooped in me so we had some problems. They admitted me and I tried to labor without pain meds. By 4:30AM the next day I couldn't take it any more and got an epidural. Then things got worse I started having uncontrollable shakes and got a fever. They monitored me and the babys vitals very close. I got stuck at 6cm so they started patosin. I got to 8cm and stopped again. She was also turned to the side. My doctor decided I should get a C section so he called in an OB. They set me up and right before they were going to take me to the operating room the OB wanted to check me one more time. I had gotten to 9cm so he decided to see if he could turn her. He was successful and so I started pushing. I pushed for less than 1 hour. When her head came out the cord was around her neck. I had to stop pushing so my doctor could cut it. Once he cut it I finished pushing her out but she didn't make a sound. The NICU team was already on standby because of my fever and the Meconium. She was breathing on her own but struggling. They took her straight to the NICU. She is now home and well. Everyone did such a great job in taking care of us but it was the scariest moment of my life. We both had to be on antibiotics for 2 days. We were released today 10/10/18.