Unwanted attention after weight loss...

I’ve been overweight all my life but this year I’ve lost 40lbs. I still need to lose about 30 more, but I look decent at this weight. I am “pretty for a fat girl,” or so I’ve been told. I am fairly shy and introverted. I have always been invisible to others. All of that has changed and I’m not taking it well. It’s making me very uncomfortable when people (especially men) stare at me. I have colleagues who never even said Good Morning to be before, go out of their way to make conversation. I am disgusted first of all to know that I wasn’t worthy of even a simple greeting just because I was fat. I just want the Earth to open up and swallow me when I get the long stares because most men are not trying to be subtle. The women do it too, but they are more subtle. How do I deal? Has anyone else experienced this? I don’t think I will ever get used to it. I may have lost weight but I’m still that shy introverted girl.