What should I do?


My husband and I got married July of 2017, we have been together since April 2014. He moved in with me within the first two months of dating, things got a little rough that fall and he moved out and got his own place, signed a year lease and said if we can make it through that he'll move back or we can get a new place (I bought the house nextdoor to my parents in 2013). It was rough that year, on n off but he moved back in. Few months go by and he's out on the boat drinking with friends, doesn't come home after asking if I was coming out after work. It was raining where I worked so I said no. I had a funny feeling when I hadn't heard from him in hours so I drive out to the beach and find him and his two friends sitting at table at this restaurant/bar with two girls. One, obviously trying to get with my bf at the time. I approached and asked who she was and asked if she knew he had a girlfriend he lived with. I told him he had 30 days to get his stuff out of my house ... He didn't try to explain, he didn't try to stop me when I actually walked out, nor did he come home within the hour. Found out later on he was with his friend at the one girls house. So the next two weeks I wouldn't talk to him besides asking if he had found a place yet cause time was ticking... Eventually I realized he wasn't going to leave and a lot changed. 3 months later he proposed to me, things had been a lot better, almost a year of wedding planning and all was still good. We waited til after we took a honeymoon in late Feb to start trying to conceive. I had a wrist surgery when we had come home and I found out I wasn't pregnant from the first attempt. Second attempt at the very end of March I got pregnant. Things have still been good, but right around the time I found out I was pregnant he decided to join a motorcycle club (the group he rides with all live an hour away) I met them, they're all nice guys who are married with kids or at least steady. Over the summer it was a lot of "club parties" they would have to attend on Saturdays. I didn't mind since I work weekends (days). And he works overnights on weekends. He starts running on no sleep, riding an hour away, not coming home til he has to go to sleep for one or two hours before work, sometimes calling in to work to stay out there till 1-2am. Not too mention a couple weekend events...I told him several times I don't like it, I'm pregnant, the club says priorities are family, work, club. So why it's it always club first? Tuesday nights are our Friday nights. There were a couple Tuesdays he'd come home and take off on bike, granted be home by 10, but it's my Friday too n last minute I find out I have to sit home alone with nothing to do. I told him after about the 4th time he stayed out late or just told me last min he had to go that he was ruining his marriage and I was sick of it... Sure enough we find a house (currently waiting on a closing date), baby due Dec 21 and last night we went to a local restaurant/bar where a band plays every Thursday. We went with my parent's, sister, and her bf... He tells me when we get there his friend is coming down with his gf. Gf doesn't come, he rode his bike down so he says he's gonna leave me there with my family and go for a quick ride, n this was at 7. I said everytime I hear that you don't get home till after midnight... He said he'd be home by 10. So at 1030 I text saying this was probably the plan all along to ditch me on our day off n go out with his friend. Of course I never get a response. I then tell him this was my last straw and I've had enough, I'm done with the house stuff (which I'm the one doing all the work, financially, legally, etc) when he makes almost double of what I make.. why am I going to move into a house that's going to cost us almost $1,000 more a month than we pay now, with a baby on the way, just for him to run around n never be home anyway? Not too mention I always have to say "mortgage is due, I need your half of the money" or "car insurance n homeowners came out today, I need your half" I'll say it at least 5 times over the week before I get it from him. N it's not that he doesn't have it, it's just not priority to him. Running around, going to the gym, riding the bike, going out any night of the week, especially when he doesn't have to work next morning, so every Tuesday and Wednesday pretty much... I'm the only one who takes care of everything around the house now as it is, granted he cooks a quick meal every so often. But I cook (when we are home), I do dishes, pick his clothes up off the floor, do laundry, fold it, put it away, sweep, vacuum, started packing for move... He does nothing. When he"helps" my dad do something like putting our new furnace in he says he did it. He helps but barely. I ordered a car part and he said he was going to fix it last Wednesday. When he woke up he said it too. So by early afternoon he's hanging out in garage (always playing on his phone) n my dad stopped over. So I brought car part out and asked my dad "how long will it take to put this on"? N basically had to ask my dad to do it. Hubby helped but still... He thinks me being pregnant it's ok to just ditch me all the time, not respond when he's out and about. OH!! And he's leaving for TX for four days next Thursday for a club thing. We live in NY. But ditched me on what may have been our last day off together before he leaves... I told him I'm not happy, I'm done with the house stuff, and I'm considering divorce. I'm his pregnant wife, not his mother or his maid. But obviously me expressing myself time and time again doesn't make a difference. Any advice? 😴😤🤯😓